Infrared Media

creating A Media Outlet for Marxism-Leninism in the age of Multi

  • 214 members
  • 37 posts
  • $978.9/month

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- Support our ability to continue producing content amidst widespread censorship and demonetization across platforms

- Receive access to a weekly q&a + update podcast, where I sit down and answer questions submitted by patrons and give updates on future content

- Future badge of distinction in our soon to be universally integrated custom IGG chat
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- Greatly secure our ability to continue producing content amidst widespread censorship and demonetization across platforms

- Receive access to a weekly q&a + update podcast, where I sit down and answer questions submitted by patrons and give updates on future content

- Future badge of distinction in our soon to be universally integrated custom IGG chat

- Access to scripts of Infrared Vision videos

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  • General Support
  • Access to q&a podcast
  • Discord Role
  • Infrared Vision Scripts
  • Discord access 
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Infrared Media

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